Dangerous God
Sure, you have some concept of a supreme being-but, is your god-notion, God? The one true God? The biblical God? The God who is?
To anyone who has ears to hear, I simply say that it's time to open the Book and truly behold the dreadful holiness and terrifying awe of I AM. Certainly, it is long past time in this era of low-resolution preaching, denominational banality, and pervasive biblical illiteracy. For indeed, the Bible is unmistakably clear. . .
"It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

New Study Guide!
God is probably not who you think He is. . . How can you be sure? Why does it matter? Do you know the God of fierce wrath and horrifying vengeance? Is this the God you worship? Is it possible that much of the modern church has settled for a domesticated, pseudo-Christ? Do you understand that God has revealed that He is dreadfully provoked? Do you know why?

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Meet Jim Albright
At the age of forty-two, Jim Albright left a twenty-year business career to answer God’s call to preach. Since early 2004, he and his wife, Karen, have lived in Milan, Italy, where Jim is the pastor of the International Church of Milan, a non-denominational, Bible-believing, and Bible-teaching church ministering to internationals from around the globe. Jim holds a Master of Divinity degree from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBC). In addition to Dangerous God, Jim has published two other books: Uncareful Lives, and Everything Says Glory. Jim Albright is also the co-founder of Dangerous God Ministries.